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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Zieltogend - Myst IV

Zieltogend has an enduring fascination for the work of Mystified. He feels they are kindred spirits. Therefore, [empty] contacted Thomas about this new project: remixing Mystified material the Zieltogend way. Thomas readily gave the go-ahead. And Okkulth Records took it upon them to release the results. This is the fourth part.

The method of action is quite simple. Zieltogend creates a remix of selected Mystified material from Treetrunk net releases only. This release is somewhat different from the previous three. Here, Zieltogend has split up the original release into five parts of three songs each and created deformations out of that. The final track accumulates the whole release into one long drone piece. Overall, this Zieltogend release is minimal, but probably more into drone territory than previous material.

For this release, Zieltogend has incorporated material from Nocturne. The original release can be downloaded here: www.archive.org/details/mystified_Nocturne.

“Mystifying minimalism”


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