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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

8E Phalanx - Revery

After being under construction for over 8 months, 8 artists from around the world have finally finished yet another xE Phalanx chapter, this time in a veritable David Lynch fashion.
Not only have they created a lengthy work (9 consecutive parts) that goes along quite well with the concept of "auditory movies", they have at the same time composed a soundtrack for it, and all this by using mainly self-recorded sounds as a source!
Everything was linked together like a chain of thoughts, which draws the listener to an uncomparable creative thinking experience. Much is left to the imagination, and the borders between real and surreal will fade by each listen.
As a whole, "Revery" is destined to raise some eyebrows.
Enormous thanks go out to acta, Chango Feo, Ellende, Erratic, Kaebin Yield, no Xivic, Plagasul and sig~int for all the hard work that they put into this, so please do an effort to check out their individual music as well because it is very much worth it!



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