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Tuesday, December 7, 2010


"2000-2010, ten years of out-of-tune trumpet"

DBPIT - Der Bekannte Post-Industrielle Trompeter is an experimental/industrial project created by Flavio Rivabella.
the trumpet is its main feature
a lot of field-recording and electronics are also used but hardly ever computer-generated or synthesised sounds...
each new DBPIT's work is the result of some twisted-minded,
deeply conceptual experiment...


after several years of partecipations side by side with the most relevant members of Roman underground scene,
Flavio Rivabella (aka DBPIT) set off for an entirely new adventure in the year 2K;


in may 2002 Misty Circles produced the first solo attempt by DBPIT:
"eleven", after which several solo albums and participations followed;
apart from his "solo" project, DBPIT has collaborated with many important
bands, like Novy Svet, Spectre, Circus Joy, Macelleria Mobile di Mezzanotte, Lendormin and others...

DBPIT is basically a one-man-band but has had a great number of cool collaborators in his line-up:
lendormin, Claudedi of ain soph, Mario FOB of circus joy,
Steve Stroll of ain soph and circus joy, Anna Consuelo and Kenji Siratori on vocals, Pusio at the piano/keyboards
since 2008 DBPIT collaborates with the visual artist XXENA

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