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Friday, January 7, 2011

Alexander Kibanov / HZ / Alrucini-The third side of life

Transcending "Two sides of life" with electronic and ethnic percussions.
Transgressing life with the rythmic liberation of which one´s spiritually capable, during the nearest approximation to the intermediate state, find healing from the moment of death.
"The End" is now a new beggining. We´ll take it from life, experiencing reality as "Monolith" in a clear light of reality from the "Cycle of Night" that is also a sight of rebirth.
Waking consciousness "Puddle-mind" has the same contemplative awareness that "Sleep of Subbterranean Cave Sea", the sleep of life is announced and "Anomaly" could be one last moment for meditation, before entering the dream, from wich we know it "I'll never wake up" unless the bright sound of "Pi" clear it out and and dissipates any residual shadows, revealing a "Transparent world" for the last breath.



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